

Why I am Running to be Farmington's State Representative in Concord

Like in previous years, I am running for State Representative in order to help us by working to lower Farmington's high property taxes. The solution is simple, but none of our previous state representatives have put in any effort to help us or Farmington. It's time to elect a solid representative who will work to help us all. I ask for your vote on November 5. I will work for you. 


Campaign Mailers to Share on Social Media

Please consider sharing these mailers on your social media pages and pages.  This election is important.  We need two strong candidates who are willing to work towards improving Farmington and lowering our property taxes.  Please vote on November 5! 

How to Reduce Property Taxes - Step 1: Enforce the Law

The New Hampshire Constitution says: Education is a State Responsibility. The State is "Responsible for giving each child an adequate education."  It also says: "Taxes statewide must be uniform and equal."

So, the State should be paying for 100% of public education. They could do if with a statewide property tax that is equal for everyone.  That would reduce our school property tax to $8.00 per thousand.  

Here’s how it would work:

Currently Farmington spends just about the State average per pupil $20,000 plus. The school portion of our property tax is $13.22 per thousand.

If there were a uniform and equal State property tax to pay for education Farmington tax payers would see a substantial drop in their education property tax.

The amount spent in NH on education for the 2022 school year was about $3.8 billion.
The total assessed property that could be taxed for schools in the state was almost
$312 billion. The equalized value calculated by DRA was just about $298.5 billion.

Whether you use the total value or the equalized value for your calculations, the statewide property tax would be just under or just over $8.00 per thousand so the education portion of our tax bill would drop by about 40%.  

Once the money is raised the State distributes it to the school districts on a per pupil basis. There would have to be a fund reserved for special education and probably some other tweaks, but this would even the playing field throughout the state. Farmington would get a fair shake instead of the fuzzy end of the lollipop.

We Need Your Support for the Democratic Primary on September 10.

The Democratic Primary Election is on September 10.  This vote will be important for us.  

Manny will be on the ballot alone.  But we have a write-in candidate, Fred Pitman, who many of you may know.  Fred has agreed to be a write-in, and so we need to spread the word far and wide to write-in Fred Pitman, and vote for Manny in the Democratic Primary.

You may have seen signs that Packy Campbell is running for both parties as a write-in.  If he gets a few Dem votes, he will be on the Ballot in November as a Dem.  So, it is critical that we get Fred Pitman written in for the Primary, so he will be on the ballot with Manny for the November general election.

Please talk to family and friends about this and help us get Fred on the ballot. 
Watch this website (, our Farmington Dems website (www.FarmingtonNHDems,.org), and the Facebook pages for Manny and Farmington Dems for updates and more information.

The NH Legislature Needs a Change in Priorities

Our property taxes are too high in Farmington and New Hampshire, in general.  The current Legislature is funding private schools over public schools. It's time for a change.  Farmington needs a representative that will work to reduce the burden of our high local property taxers. Send Manny to Concord.  He'll work to find solutions to the problems in Concord, and lower our taxes.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact Manny and let him know. He's ready to listen.

Please remember to vote on November 8. Voting is at the Recreation Center/Old Town Hall. Polls are open from 8:00 AM until 7:00 PM.

On November 8, Vote to Elect

Emmanuel "Manny" Krasner

Dorinda Howard

State Representatives for Farmington

Manny Pledges Support for People, Not Corporations

Last session, the NH State Legislature gave 10 million dollars away to investors who lost money in a fraudulent investment scheme.  Our Legislature does not live up to responsibilities to fund education. Manny knows the problem is in Concord. We need better representation. And we need to fund our priorities, not the priorities of the wealthy and corporations. The  It's time for a change.  Send Manny to Concord.  He'll work to fix the problem and lower our taxes.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact Manny and let him know. He's ready to listen.

Please remember to vote on November 8. Voting is at the Recreation Center/Old Town Hall. Polls are open from 8:00 AM until 7:00 PM.

On November 8, Vote to Elect

Emmanuel "Manny" Krasner

Dorinda Howard

State Representatives for Farmington

We Need to Protect and Preserve Our Personal Freedoms

Our personal freedoms are under attack.  Republicans are taking steps to reduce personal freedoms for people. Manny wants to protect our personal freedoms and will work to preserve them in law. Send Manny to Concord.  He'll work to fix the problems that plague our town and our state.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to contact Manny and let him know. He's ready to listen.

Please remember to vote on November 8. Voting is at the Recreation Center/Old Town Hall. Polls are open from 8:00 AM until 7:00 PM.

On November 8, Vote to Elect

Emmanuel "Manny" Krasner

Dorinda Howard

State Representatives for Farmington